
OEI #92-93 Lettrist Corpus: The Complete Magazines (1946–2016)

Frédéric Acquaviva; Jonas J. Magnusson, Cecilia Grönberg (编辑)

“Un livre qui fera date. Deux ans de recherches, 512 pages, 1.361 illustrations en quadrichromie, 119 revues lettristes parues de 1946 à 2016 pour un total de 1.200 ouvrages décrits (avec la couverture et le sommaire de chaque numéro). Qui d’autre que les éditeurs suédois de OEI (Jonas J. Magnusson et Cecilia Gronberg) aurait pu sortir ce travail anthologique? Personne!” —

“The ‘unreasonable’ idea for this ‘catalogue raisonné’ came to me as an attemps to draw up a complete inventory of all the journals and periodicals of the Lettrist group, from its birth until today. Because the lifespan of the Lettrist movement has exceeded that of all the other avant-garde movements, we are undoubtedly in front of the most immense corpus ever produced in terms of magazines, coverin a period from 1946 to 2016. It presents more than a hundred different titles with more than one thousand items and hundreds of authors. . . . I hope that this comprehensive work will give the reader an opportunity to understand the different paths of the Lettrist groups and the many areas addressed, if not shaken, beyond the books of Isidore Isou and Maurice Lemaître. Since other Lettrists have published relatively few monographic books, and very little outside their own magazines, OEI #92-93 is a unique database for most of the Lettrist texts that we can access, also making it possible for new readers to come across Lettrism.”
— from Frédéric Acquaviva’s introduction

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“一本书的日期。两年的研究,512页,1.361张四色插图,1946年至2016年的119份租赁杂志,总共1200份出版物的评论(包括封面和每期杂志的摘要)。除了OEI的瑞士编辑(Jonas J. Magnusson和Cecilia Gronberg)之外,还有谁能够整理出这本作品集?人!” –

“这个’目录’的’不合理’的想法是我想为Lettrist团体的所有杂志和期刊制定一个完整的清单,从它的诞生到今天。因为Lettrist运动的寿命已经超过了所有其他前卫运动的寿命,我们面前的无疑是有史以来最庞大的杂志库,涵盖了从1946年到2016年的时期。它提出了一百多个不同的标题,有一千多个项目和数百名作者。. . . 我希望这项全面的工作能让读者有机会了解Lettrist团体的不同路径,以及在Isidore Isou和Maurice Lemaître的书之外所涉及的许多领域,如果没有动摇的话。由于其他Lettrists出版的专著相对较少,在他们自己的杂志之外也很少,所以OEI #92-93是一个独特的数据库,我们可以访问大多数Lettrist文本,也使新读者有可能接触到Lettrism”。
– 摘自Frédéric Acquaviva的介绍
